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Slim is a toy that has recently been of interest to children and adults. On the Internet there is a lot of information on how to make slime at home. We also disassembled a few effective recipes that you can pick up to create this fascinating toy.
The main composition for the lysuna includes several components. This includes:
Depending on the type of slime, the components may change. It is important to take into account the right selection and proportions for the desired result. Not always the toy turns out beautiful and sometimes just falls apart. The choice of components should be approached responsibly. We conducted experiments and showed in which situations the slime does not work.
This toy can be called popular not only because of an interesting substance and an attractive look. It was determined that the Slims have another purpose:
And all this thanks to the qualities of the lysoon, the toy can be crumpled, stretched and transfused from hand to hand. Add Styrofoam balls to the recipe. You get a crunchy effect that will further relax.
Before you make a slim at home do not miss the opportunity to study all the recipes. You can make your own additions, such as glitter. Self-manufacturing allows you to develop imagination and craving for creativity.
In most of the cooked slimes do not pose a danger, but it is not recommended to let them play with young children. Until the age of three, children are just beginning to learn the world and can taste the toy. The lizurs purchased in stores are in compliance with quality certificates and can be considered safe. There are several options for how to make a slime with your own hands with safe qualities:
There is no need to purchase slimes in the store. Having considered several compositions, you can pick the best. You can attract a child to the class, because children are often interested in making toys of this kind.
Let's look at what components we need for this.
As mentioned above the main component is the borax. It should not be forgotten that this is a chemical component, so you can not exceed the dosage, but from a smaller number the result may not work. The bura can be replaced with the usual components: use gelatin or starch.
It will be required in the manufacture of thickener. Without it, the properties of the toy are not activated. The consistency will be loose. Sodium tetraborate is used as an activator. Finding it on sale is not easy, but it is successfully replaced by eye drops or a solution for disinfecting lenses.
Let's take a look at a few simple examples of recipes. They will tell you how to make a slime for beginners from safe ingredients. And we will understand the rules of storage, but immediately clarify that any home slime should be stored in a cool place.
The first recipe based on shampoo and building glue:
Natural ingredients are used in the following example. It will require flour, water, as a dye you can use the juice of beetroot or carrots. Mix all the ingredients and leave in the refrigerator.
You can make lysune even from condensed milk. To do this:
This toy can be left colorless, but if you want to add a few drops of dye. More recipes, you'll be able to review below in our articles.
It remains to add a few recommendations to help you store and care for the toy.
Now you know all about the rules of slime making. You and the child will surely like not only to play with him, but also the process of making. Please the child with an interesting toy, which will become not only a pleasant entertainment, but also a developing attribute.